Come mostrare una lista degli articoli in WordPress

Dopo aver pubblicato un po’ di articoli su questo mio sito, mi è sorto il problema di voler mostrare in una pagina una lista con il titolo degli articoli pubblicati, il widget degli archivi non era adatto a ciò che volevo fare, così dopo qualche ricerca quello che ho trovato è: Display Posts Shortcode è un plugin molto semplice e pratico che tramite uno shortcode   mostra una lista di articoli.

In questo sito l’esempio pratico è le voce di menù Archivio, una volta creata la pagina (o articolo) che deve contenere la lista basta insere un breve shortcode del tipo display-posts post_type=”page” post_parent=”current” preceduto e seguito da parentesi quadre. Il comando vero e proprio è display-posts seguono gli argomenti, come il tipo di post, la categoria, la lunghezza della lista, ecc.

Di seguito trovate un’estratto della documentazione originale.


[ display-posts tag=”advanced” posts_per_page=”20″ ]

This will list the 20 most recent posts with the tag ‘Advanced’.

[ display-posts tag=”advanced” image_size=”thumbnail” ]

This will list the 10 most recent posts tagged ‘Advanced’ and display a post image using the ‘Thumbnail’ size.

[ display-posts category=”must-read” posts_per_page=”-1″ include_date=”true” order=”ASC” orderby=”title” ]

This will list every post in the Must Read category, in alphabetical order, with the date appended to the end.

[ display-posts taxonomy=”color” tax_term=”blue” include_excerpt=”true” ]

This will display the title and excerpt of the 10 most recent posts marked “blue” in the custom taxonomy “color”.

[ display-posts wrapper=”ol” ]

This will display posts as an ordered list. Options are ul for unordered lists (default), ol for ordered lists, or div for divs.

[ display-posts id=”14,3″ ]

This will display only the posts with an ID of 14 and 3.


Specify the post author
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts author=”bill” ]

Specify the category slug (or comma separated list of category slugs)
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts category=”fishing,hiking” ]

Specify the date format used when include_date is true. See Formatting Date and Time on the Codex for more information.
Default: ‘(n/j/Y)’
Example: [ display-posts include_date=”true” date_format=”F j, Y” ]

Specify a specific post ID (or multiple post IDs) to display.
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts id=”9, 10″ ]

Specify an image size for displaying the featured image, if the post has one. The image_size can be set to thumbnail, medium, large (all controlled from Settings > Reading), or a custom image size.
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts image_size=”thumbnail” ]

Include the post’s date after the post title. The default format is (7/30/12), but this can be customized using the ‘date_format’ parameter.
Default: empty
Example [ display-posts include_date=”true” ]

Include the post’s excerpt after the title (and date if provided).
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts include_excerpt=”true” ]

The number of posts to pass over
Default: 0
Example: [ display-posts offset=”3″ ]

Specify whether posts are ordered in descending order (DESC) or ascending order (ASC).
Default: DESC
Example: [ display-posts order=”ASC” ]

Specify what the posts are ordered by. See the available parameters here.
Default: date
Example: [ display-posts orderby=”title” ]

Display the pages that are a child of a certain page. You can either specify an ID or ‘current’, which displays the children of the current page.
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts post_type=”page” post_parent=”8″ ]

Show posts associated with a certain post status
Default: publish
Example: [ display-posts post_status=”publish, future” ]

Specify which post type to use. You can use a default one (post or page), or a custom post type you’ve created.
Default: post
Example: [ display-posts post_type=”event” ]

How many posts to display.
Default: 10
Example: [ display-posts posts_per_page=”5″ ]

Display posts from a specific tag, or tags
Default: empty
Example: [ display-posts tag=”tag1, tag2″ ]

taxonomy, tax_term, and tax_operator
Use these parameters to do advanced taxonomy queries. Use ‘taxonomy’ for the taxonomy you’d like to query, ‘tax_term’ for the term slug (or terms) you’d like to include, and ‘operator’ to change how the query uses those terms (most likely this field will not be needed).
Default: ‘taxonomy’ = empty , ‘tax_term’ = empty , ‘tax_operator’ = ‘IN’
Example: [ display-posts taxonomy=”color” tax_term=”blue, green” ]

What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be an unordered list (ul), ordered list (ol), or divs (div) which you can then style yourself.
Default: ul
Example: [ display-posts wrapper=”ol” ]

Multiple Taxonomy Queries

While most people will only ever need a single taxonomy query, this plugin supports an infinite number of taxonomy queries. Let’s say you wanted to get all posts in category “featured” and also tagged “homepage”. We’ll use a shortcode that looks like this:

[ display-posts taxonomy=”category” tax_term=”featured” taxonomy_2=”post_tag” tax_2_term=”homepage” ]

You can string as many of those as you like, just start the count at 2. In the field listing below, replace (count) with an actual number.

Here’s the available fields:

Which taxonomy to query
Default: empty

Which terms to include (if more than one, separate with commas)
Default: empty

How to query the terms (IN, NOT IN, or AND)
Default: IN

Describe the relationship between the multiple taxonomy queries (should the results match all the queries or just one of them). Available options: AND and OR
Default: AND

Further Customizaion


For customizing the $args passed to WP_Query. Useful if a query arg you want isn’t already in the shortcode. Example:


For customizing the output of individual posts. Example:


Content to display if no posts are found (default is empty).

display_posts_shortcode_wrapper_open and display_posts_shortcode_wrapper_close

For customizing the outer markup of the whole listing. By default it is a ul but can be changed to ol or div using the ‘wrapper’ attribute, or by using this filter. Example:


For adding classes to the individual posts (ex: break into columns)

More examples:

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